
James Laslavic

Interaction/UX Designer

“An oasis of a person – delightfully knowledgable, unafraid of talking about Big Ideas, brilliant, funny, and just generally a gem.”

— Sarah Gailey

Former Operations Coordinator at Cooper

“He did a great deal of exploration in the design projects he pursued. Although stumbling blocks are inevitable, James confidently worked through them in a logical and positive manner.”

— Stacie Rohrbach

Professor at Carnegie Mellon University

“Not sure I could recommend someone higher than James for a UX Design role.”

— Mark Baldino

Co-founder at Fuzzy Math

A faster and less stressful check-in experience that simplifies everything from scanning passports to checking bags

🔒 Only shown at internal JetBlue interviews

A place for consumers to find businesses that align with their ethical values

Mission-planning and procedure-viewing tool for astronauts and Mission Control Center with special considerations for long distance missions

Resumé Highlights

👔 Work

  • JetBlue (2 years and counting, full-time)
  • NASA (8 months, work-study)
  • Fuzzy Math (summer internship)
  • Cooper (summer internship)

🍎 Education

  • BFA from Carnegie Mellon University
  • MA from Parsons School of Design

🧰 Favorite Tools

  • Figma
  • UserTesting
  • FullStory

🧭 Favorite Methods

  • Personas
  • Affinity diagrams
  • Rapid prototyping

About Me

Why are you a designer?

It's fun and fulfilling. Being creative with technology suits my sense of curiosity, and helping to shape "the ordinary" to improve people's everyday lives suits my sense of ethical idealism.

What are some concrete lessons you've learned as a designer?

  1. Focus on problems and goals instead features.
  2. Champion usability, functionality, and desirability, but also respect the importance of teammates responsible for other important priorities (engineering feasibility, business viability, etc).
  3. Help realize and present other people's design ideas with as much care as I put into realizing and presenting my own.
  4. Test ideas early, often, quickly, and cheaply.
  5. The details are worth getting right.

What has working at JetBlue been like for you?

My teammmates are awesome, the projects I work on feel big and exciting, and the mission is fulfilling because travel is such a hugely impactful part of people's lives. I'm happy here!

What are some of your personal hobbies and interests?

I love going to the movie theater, playing D&D with friends, checking out offbeat museums, experiencing different cultures, searching for hidden bars and restaurants, playing video games and board games, learning languages on Pimsleur, swimming, archery, and falling into rabbit holes on websites like Wikipedia, Aeon, and Atlas Obscura.

Think I might be a good fit for your team?

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